This study is being conducted by Dr. Tyler Quinn, Dr. Bethany Barone Gibbs, and Dr. Paul Chantler at West Virginia University.

What is the study about and how long will it last?

The purpose of this study is to study if small wearable sensors can accurately measure activities commonly done as part of one's occupation.

This study involves:

  • One in-person or virtual visit with West Virginia University research staff lasting approximately 30 minutes
  • Complete a short questionnaire about your demographics and current job
  • 2 hours of filming you while you work at your job while wearing small movement sensors on your body

Your participation in this research will last about 3 hours total across two sessions including screening, consent, baseline visit, seven day monitoring and return of equipment.  

What will you be asked to do?

If you decide to take part, this is what will happen:

(1)   Screening: You will complete a telephone/online questionnaire to determine if you are eligible for the study.

(2)  Consent: After completing the screening process you will be invited to an in-person or virtual baseline assessment visit lasting approximately 30 minutes.  The study will be explained to you, you will have opportunity to ask questions, and agree to participate in the study. 

(3)  Baseline Assessment: After providing informed consent, the following information will be collected (in order): Demographics (age, race/ethnicity, sex) and job status/history. You will then be asked to schedule a time for the research staff to visit your workplace to film you for two hours while you work

(4)  Workplace Filming: During a pre-scheduled time and day, research staff will come to your workplace and film you working for 2 hours in duration. During the filming, you will be asked to wear four small physical activity sensors on your thigh, upper back, upper arm, and wrist.

(5)  After completion of the filming, you will remove the sensors and be compensated for your time.


What are the risks and benefits?

The risks in this study are minimal. There may be boredom, stress or frustration form answering study questionnaires. You may experience skin redness and irritation from wearing the activity monitors.

Will I be compensated for my time in the study?

Upon the full completion of all study procedures, participants will receive up to $100 total as compensation. Participation in this study is voluntary and you are free to discontinue at any time.

What do I do if I want to participate?

If you are interested, you will need to answer a few questions about yourself and your work to determine if you appear to be eligible. If you complete the questionnaire, you will be asked to provide some specific information, like your complete name, email, and mailing address, so that the study staff can contact you regarding your participation in this study and schedule you for an assessment visit. 


If you have additional questions and would like to speak to a study staff member before completing this screening questionnaire, please call 304-293-1602 or email Study staff is typically available between the hours of 8AM - 4PM, Monday-Friday.

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