
1. To utilize all WVPBRN available resources, potential research projects are formally proposed to the WVPBRN Protocol Review Committee via this application process. We strongly encourage you to consult with WVPBRN staff before application as needed to help with resources and questions and review the capabilities of the Network.

2. A proposal must be approved by a majority of the Protocol Review Committee to become a WVPBRN project. Voting may take place via the web, at in-person committee meetings, or a combination thereof. Committee members are generally given a two-week time frame by which to review the proposal and respond with their decision. A non-response from a Committee member is recorded as no objections to the study proposal.

3. All partners leading or highly involved in WVPBRN research projects must complete Human Subjects Training (i.e., Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative [CITI Program]).

4. When possible, the Principal Investigator(s) of the research project should submit a summary of any grant applications which intends to involve the WVPBRN as a partner before submitting the grant.

For assistance with your research proposal or for more information regarding the WVPBRN, please contact one of the following:

Jen Lukas, Network Manager-WVPBRN, at 304-293-7015 or

Stacey Whanger, Assistant Director-WVPBRN, at 304-591-1821 or

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