You are being asked to indicate your interest and provide information about eligibility to participate in an Extended Telehealth Pilot (ETHP) for people receiving care through Home and Community Based Services. Information gathered by this form will be used to assess aspects of your living environment and experiences, as well as collect your interest and current contact information.

What is the Extended Telehealth Pilot?
With the ETHP, you would have the opportunity to receive 6-months of remote monitoring in your home. During this time you would get to use devices that nurses will remotely use to monitor your health. The nurses would call you a couple times per month to see how you are doing. We would also work with your primary care provider to coordinate your care.

Why is the Extended Telehealth Pilot being done?
People in West Virginia often need to go back to the hospital or are not able to live at home because of diabetes, heart disease and other illnesses, pain, infections, and mental health issues. We want to see if telehealth will allow you to remain at home while managing your care.

When do I start?
Should you be selected for participation, a member of our team will be in contact with you to verify eligibility and complete onboarding processes. Spots are limited and therefore will be assigned on a first come first serve basis as interest is expressed. Completing this form does not guarantee participation in the Extended Telehealth Pilot. 

Who can answer my questions?
WVU Institutional Review Board acknowledgement of this work is on file. If you have questions or concerns, you can contact a member of the ETHP Team at the West Virginia University Health Affairs Institute by emailing or by calling Dr. Steve Davis at 304-293-0600.

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