
We are happy to partner with your family on improving health. This is a family-based, pediatric weight management clinic and we are excited to work with our patients and families along the journey to a healthy lifestyle.

A visit to the WVU Medicine Family-Based, Pediatric Medical Weight Management Clinic will include the following

- Comprehensive medical assessments
- Nutritional assessments
- Behavioral/mental health assessments
- Physical activity assessments
- Assessment for appetite and disordered eating behaviors

Your care team will consist of

- Medical Practitioners (Treah Haggerty MD, Robin Elkins NP, Amber Shaffer NP)
- Pediatric Behavioral Medicine Clinician (Jennifer Ludrosky PhD)
- Registered Dietitian (Cathy Shaw RD, CSOWM, LD)
- Nurse Coordinator (Caroline Rosenberger RN)

Prior to your appointment, we request that you fill out the intake form below.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We look forward to providing your family with the best and most compassionate care. The clinic contact number is 304-598-4890.


Treah Haggerty MD

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