Who is your child's primary physician or pediatrician?
Today M-D-Y
How old is your child (years)?
What is your child's height? Feet Inches
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
What is your childs current weight in pounds?
Who is completing this form?
What grade is your child in?
pre-k 3
pre-k 4
Who lives in the patient's home?
Who buys food in the patient's home?
If other, who buys food in the patient's home.
Who commonly makes your meals in the patient's home?
If other, who makes meals in the patient's home?
What do you hope to get out of your child's visit today?
Does your child have any food allergies, chewing issues, or swallowing issues?
If yes, please give more information about your child's allergy, chewing issue, or swallowing issue.
In the last 12 months (1 year) were you worried your food would run out before you got more month to buy more food?
What worries did you have about getting food?
Within the past 12 months (1 year) the food you bought didn't last and you didn't have money to buy more?
Does your child do any of the following when it comes to eating food?
How many fruit servings does your child eat per day?
How many vegetable servings does your child eat per day?
Does your child participate in any sports?
On an average day, how long is your child active through exercise, active play, or sports
< 1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 3+ hours
What time does your child go to bed on most weeknights?
Now H:M
What time does your child wake up on weekdays?
Now H:M
What time does your child go to bed on most weekends?
Now H:M
What time does your child wake up on weekends?
Now H:M
Is your child on screens (tv, computer, tablets, or phone) within 30 minutes of bedtime?
Does your child have a tv, computer, tablet, or phone in your bedroom?
Has your child ever been evaluated for enlarged tonsils?
Do you feel your child is abnormally sleepy during the day?
How many days of school have you missed this year?
Is there anything else about your child that you would like for the healthcare team to know prior to the visit?
Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire - Food Responsiveness
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Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire - Satiety Responsiveness
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Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire - Food Fussiness
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Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire - Slowness in Eating
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Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire - Emotional Over Eating
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Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire - Emotional Under Eating
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Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire - Enjoyment of Food
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Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire - Desire to Drink
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Child Feeding Questionnaire
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Child Feeding Questionnaire - Pressure to eat
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Child Feeding Questionnaire - Monitoring
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Child Feeding Questionnaire - Perceived Child Weight
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Child Feeding Questionnaire - Perceived Parent Weight
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Parent Proxy anxiety total
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Promis Parent Proxy - Depression
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Patient Name: ______ ______ , Date of Birth: ______ Patients Preferred Name: ______ Age: ______ Primary Care Physician: ______
______ ______ is a ______ year old patient presenting to the WVU Medicine Family-Based Pediatric Medical Weight Management Clinic.
Patient Grade: ______ Who Lives in the home: ______ Who buys food for the home: ______ Who makes food in the home: ______
The patient states the following on what they want to get out of this visit. "______ "
Patient's weight history is as follows: ***
Patient reports the following answers to food security questions: Within the past 12 months were you worried your food would run out before you got money to buy more? ______ Within the past 12 months, the food you bought didn't last and you didn't have money to buy more? ______
Diet/Food History:Food allergies: ______ The patient reports the following food behaviors: ______
Eating Out (times per week)Fast Food Restaurants: ______ Sit-Down Restaurants: ______
Fruits and Vegetables (per day):Vegetables: ______ Fruits: ______
Drink history (servings per day):Juice: ______ Milk: ______ Chocolate Milk: ______ Flavored Milk: ______ Diet Soda: ______ Regular Soda: ______ Coffee: ______ Energy Drinks: ______ Diet Tea: ______ Sweet Tea: ______ Sports Drinks: ______ Water: ______
Screen Use History (hours per day):TV: ______ Computer for nonschool-related activities: ______ Phone/Tablet: ______
Activity: Does the child participate in sports: ______ How long is your child active during the day: ______
Sleep History:Weekday Bedtime: ______ Weekday Wake: ______ Weekend Bedtime: ______ Weekend Wake: ______
Has screens within 30 minutes of bedtime: ______ Has a TV, computer, or phone in the bedroom: ______ Snores: ______ Had evaluation for enlarged tonsils: ______ Feels sleepy during the day: ______
School:The patient reports missing ______ days of school this year.
Other information the parent/guardian would like us to know in this visit: ______
Standardized Scales: Child Feeding Questionnaire Perceived Responsibility: ______ out of 5 Perceived Parent Weight: ______ out of 5 Perceived Child Weight (whole score): ______ Concern About Child Weight: ______ out of 5 Restriction: ______ out of 5 Pressure to eat: ______ out of 5 Monitoring: ______ out of 5
Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire
Food Responsiveness: ______ Emotional Over Eating: ______ Enjoyment of Food: ______ Desire to Drink: ______ Satiety Responsiveness: ______ Slowness in Eating: ______ Emotional Under-Eating: ______ Food Fussiness: ______
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WVU Medicine Pediatric Psychology - Initial Assessment
PATIENT NAME: ______ ______ PATIENT'S PREFERRED NAME: ______ DATE OF BIRTH: ______ VISIT DATE : @ED@AGE AT VISIT : ______ TIME IN/OUT: ***PROCEDURE : ***Primary Care Physician: ______ Reason for referral: ______ ______ is a ______ year old patient presenting to the Medical Weight Management Pediatric Clinic. They were referred to assess needs for individual and family support for initiating and maintaining healthy lifestyle changes. The caregiver states the following: "______ " as their goals for today's visit.
The patient and family were seen in conjunction with the multidiscplinary Family Weight Management Team and additional information can be obtained from team clinic notes for today's visit. Presenting Concern: ______ ______ is here today with ***. ______ provided information via initial intake paperwork and completed assessment measures. The family provided additional information during today's appointment about their concerns. In regards to health status and eating behaviors, ______ reported today that their weight is ______ and height is ______ feet ______ inches. This calculates to a self-reported BMI of [bmi_ped]. Via the intake form, ______ reports that ______ buys food for their household. They report that ______ makes meals in the household. During today's appointment, the patient and family reported ***. Current Diet/Eating Habits: The parent reports the following food behaviors: ______ . They report that their family eats meals together *** and eats meals at fast food restaurants ______ times per week and sit-down restaurants ______ times per week. In regards to specific diet habits, the parent reports that the child eats ______ servings of vegetables and ______ servings of fruits each day. Drink habits are reported to be as follows: Juice: ______ Milk: ______ Chocolate Milk: ______ Flavored Milk: ______ Diet Soda: ______ Regular Soda: ______ Coffee: ______ Energy Drinks: ______ Diet Tea: ______ Sweet Tea: ______ In regards to food security, the ______ reported the following answers: Within the past 12 months were you worried your food would run out before you got money to buy more? ______ Within the past 12 months, the food you bought didn't last and you didn't have money to buy more? ______ Social History: ______ lives with ______ . ***______ is in ______ at ***. The report ______ missed school days this year. They report that school *** Developmental History: Pregnancy: WNL Birth weight: *** lbs, *** oz. Developmental milestones: Verbal: WNL Gross motor: WNL Fine motor: WNL Social: WNL Adaptive: WNL Early Intervention (e.g. Birth to Three): No Self care; ______ is currently able to complete age-appropriate self-care tasks. Relevant Medical History: Current health and medical status: *** Allergies, including medication allergies: ______ Illness, injuries, chronic conditions, disabilities, physical or sensory limitations: *** Brain Injury: *** Current medications: @MEDS@ Medical hospitalization: *** Surgery: *** Sleep: Weekday bedtime: ______ Weekday waketime: ______ Weekend bedtime: ______ Weekend waketime: ______ Has screens within 30 minutes of bedtime: ______ Has a TV, computer, or phone in the bedroom: ______ Snores: ______ Had evaluation for enlarged tonsils: ______ Feels sleepy during the day: ______ Screen Use (hours per day): TV: ______ Computer for nonschool-related activities: ______ Phone/Tablet: ______ Trauma History: *** Neglect: Denied Physical abuse: Denied Sexual abuse: Denied Witness to violence: Denied Major loss or disruption: Denied Multiple/out-of-home placement(s): Denied STANDARDIZED TESTING: **TESTING CODE=96130 (UNIT/HOUR) The parent completed several self-report measures on behalf of their child as part of today's evaluation.Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire: The Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire, CEBQ, is a 35-item parent report measure assessing children's eating behaviors. The scale provides information on 8 different scales relating to relevant behaviors that contribute to eating. Results of today's report are:
Food Responsiveness: ______
Satiety Responsiveness: ______
Food fussiness: ______
Slowness in eating: ______
Emotional overeating: ______
Emotional undereating: ______
Enjoyment of food: ______
Desire to drink: ______
These results indicate: ***
Child Feeding Questionnaire: The Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ) is is a self-report measure to assess parental beliefs, attitudes, and practices regarding child feeding. The CFQ provides scales related to different factors influencing parent behaviors related to child eating.
Perceived Responsibility: ______
Concern about child weight: ______
Restriction: ______
Pressure to eat: ______
Monitoring: ______
Perceived child weight: ______
Perceived parent weight: ______
These results indicate: ***PROMIS Anxiety: The PROMIS anxiety scale is an 8-question paret-report measure addressing symptoms of anxiety for children 8+. Raw scores are converted to scaled scores as follows:
Raw Score T-score range T-score interpretation 8-17 < 50 Typical/Normative 18-20 50-55 Mild 21-24 55-65 Moderate 25+ 65+ Severe
PROMIS anxiety score: ______
These results indicate: A low/moderate/high concern for anxiety. ***
PROMIS Depression: The PROMIS depression scale is a 6-question parent-reported measure addressing symptoms of depression for children 8+. Raw scores are converted to scaled scores as follows:
Raw Score T-score range T-score interpretation 6-9 < 50 Typical/Normative 10-12 50-55 Mild 13-18 55-65 Moderate 19+ 65+ Severe PROMIS depression score: ______ These results indicate: A low/moderate/high concern for depression. *** ASSESSMENT AND MENTAL STATUS: ______ was appropriately groomed and dressed for season and occasion. Speech and thought process was goal directed/coherent, and thought content was appropriate. Mood was euthymic. Affect was consistent with mood. Eye contact was observed WNL. Attention, concentration, impulse control were observed WNL. ______ displayed WNL judgment and insight. No concerns about suicidal and homicidal ideation, plan and intent, hallucinations and delusions were reported today. ______ was oriented to person, place and time and no evidence of a formal thought disorder was observed.
Diagnosis: ***
Recommendations/Plan: ***